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"Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you will look back and realize they were the big things"

There are so many must haves list across the internet that we forget about the must haves of life. I have been drowning in my work from the last one month and have not got a moment to breathe. So now finally when I stand still, I realize that I just gave up on the small joys of life, which left a sinking feeling in my heart.

So for starters I called up one of my besties and had an hour long chat. Then I made plans to meet my other besties during the long weekend. It surprised me that how we often forget to stay in touch with the people who live the closest. I finally completed decorating my house and last but not the least I am back to blogging, so YAY me.

These little things have given me more peace and joy than a successful fashion show or a shoot completed on time. The obvious big things will always bring you joy but these little must haves will bring you peace and will make you do that happy dance that you do when you are feeling truly content at heart.

Much Love


Jacket - Elle

Tanktop - ebay

Skirt - Brigade Road, Bangalore

Brooch - Thrift

Ring - Splash

Sunglasses - Mr. Price

Shoes - Tremode

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