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‘Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-ass red lipstick.’ Gwyneth Paltrow

Lipsticks and heels are the first things in which a little girl apes her mom. From the time when we smear the lipstick across our face to the time when we don’t find the right shade of lipcolour, I guess lipsticks are associated with every little girl while growing up. And when we are all grown up, we still can’t somehow get it right with lipsticks. It might be a roller-coaster ride just to get the right shade of red or to make the pout look naice and plump.

I found this really interesting piece of information which might help solve our lipstick dilemmas to a certain point, so I thought of sharing it with you guys. Just go through it and it might end up solving some of your dilemmas.

Do tell me if the post helped you in some way. Till then ‘Stay Aware and Stay Stylish’.

Much Love


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