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“Money can buy you all the fashion in the world, but it can’t buy you a thread of style”

Denim on denim was one of the biggest comeback trends of 2013 so I thought of bidding adieu to 2013 by doing a full denim on denim look. 2013 was a year full of surprises. The year after the ‘so hyped’ and predicted doomsday, it was a year of fresh starts, mending ways and full of happy surprises around the corner. A year beyond the storybook ending. A year which helped us write down our stories and watch it play in front of our own eyes.

So what does 2014 have in store for us? Another year to tick things off our bucket list, a year which gets us one step closer to our dreams, a year full of new wishes and promises. Another year in our lives which will tell a story which is beyond a story you have read so far.

Much Love



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